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Patatas Bravas and Mahi Mahi


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Meredith and I made this at her place. We made patatas bravas. We used the regular recipe for the sauce[@rev]. Or at least we used it to inspire what we made. We didn't have anything but smoked paprika. Both hot and sweet but only smoked. We also used a bit (or too much really) of cayenne. We wanted to rush the potatoes a bit so we microwaved them for 5 minutes first the roasted them for about 25.

One different thing we did was to use paprika and other sauce-related seasonings on the potatoes. I do not know what difference it made, but the entire meal was extremely good. A tad spicy but very good. The potatoes were a mix of different kinds, including purple.

We also made a Mahi Mahi thing that came frozen and pre marinated. It was coconut and something but I do not recall what. We cooked it in the pan since we were using the oven already for the potatoes.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 2951, 2013-01-04_082029